Sunday, July 27, 2014

Aging and Memory Loss: Top Ways To Maintain A Healthy Brain

As we grow older our bodies age slowly on the outside and the inside. Depending on how you take care of yourself, one side might age faster than the other. A perfect example is the brain. It stores everything we learn throughout our lives, and the older we get the harder it is to remember. However, there are certain things we can do that will slow the aging of our brain and the memory loss that accompanies. Below I have listed five things you can do that will help keep your mind sharp and prevent memory loss as you age.
Play Games
Playing games that trigger your memory helps your mind stay in shape. Practicing to remember is like exercise for the mind. Games like crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and matching games are all proven to delay brain decline.
Certain nutrients are known to help the brain preserve memory. For example, Omega 3 fatty acids repair our brain cells. You can buy Omega 3 supplements online or eat the foods that they occur in naturally. Foods like oatmeal, brown rice and salmon all contain Omega 3's. Also, vitamin B12 promotes healthy brain function. Good sources are shellfish, beef, and milk products.
Get Enough Sleep
When we sleep our bodies heal and repair at a faster and more efficient rate than when we are awake. Not getting enough rest and having irregular sleeping habits slows this process down and we lose our edge.
Working out keeps you looking good on the outside but exercise does even more for us on the inside. By doing cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, running, or cycling and mixing in strength training three to four times a week you will get much-needed oxygen to the brain. This optimizes brain function and performance.
No Smoking & Drinking
Drinking kills your brain cells and studies have shown that cells killed by drinking do not replenish. Furthermore, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol puts you more at risk for developing dementia as compared to those that don't do one or the other.
Memory loss is typically something that naturally occurs as we grow older. By putting forth the effort and taking care of yourself you can lessen and delay the effects of age. However, conditions such as Alzheimer disease and dementia are not something that naturally occur with aging. If you experience any symptoms related to these conditions you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Dementia is treatable and the rate of Alzheimer disease slowed, if treated early.

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

How to Become Younger: 6 Tips

Your thoughts, relationships, and eating affect the way you are. When we were younger, we didn't care about taking care of ourselves - but as we got older our bodies changed. We don't have to think of "old age" as the same as our parents. We can change the dynamics! Learn how to jump-start those conditions and flourish! You'll be much better off. You'll want to go places and do things again. Think about how your life will be better!!! Learn how to become younger by changing these 6 interrelated conditions:
Since your thoughts influence your biology, that means that you have the power to reverse your age by changing the way you view aging. It's the first step to becoming a more vibrant version of yourself. It's very simple - just change your perception!
Young Mind
When you detach from a particular outcome, you open yourself up to the possibility and to the universe. Learn how to focus on the process instead of the outcome. This part is so important - most people just wash over it. And it's so simple.
Healthy Relationships
When your relationships are based on compassion and empathy, your biology responds by releasing of feel-good chemicals. This enables you to not only do what you would like to do, but also free of ailments which would 'punish' you after the fact.
The Mind-Body Connection
Practicing conscious breathing for just a few minutes a day can reduce wear and tear on your body and slow the aging process. Please don't under-estimate this one! Simply breathing a certain way can not only make yourself feel better - but it can also project a calm you can't get anywhere else.
Eating the Right Way
Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and more from the six taste groups. Focus less on restricting what you eat and more on listening to what your body needs. Listening to what your body needs instead of what you taste buds want. They don't have to conflict!
Exercise can, and should, become a healthy addiction. Aim to do something active every day, seven days a week. Keep it simple and make it fun!
These 6 steps maybe simple-but following the program will not only extend your life, but it will be so much more quality driven! Isn't that what we all are looking for - Quality?
They are so simple, and you won't believe how you will look and feel. Ready to take on the world like when you were younger!
The six steps may not be that complicated (and there not) - but, the best things in life are the simplest!!!

Adapted from

How To Improve Your Will Power

For everyone and organization, the key to success lies in developing oneself and encouraging self improvement. Companies can support their workers by providing them with adequate support and trainings and nurturing a positive environment. The one reason why self improvement is so difficult is that it relies too much on will power.
Willpower is defined as the reaction or the response to any internal conflict. It is associated with the prefrontal cortex of the brain; a part which is also responsible for regulating the behavior and helping in decision making. Hence, in order to improve ones will power, we need to look after the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Food and natural ingredients too, play a crucial role in developing this part. Other than nutrition, there are certain other ways through which an individual may improve his/her will power. Some of these have been mentioned below:

Learn To Manage Stress In Order To Increase Your Overall Capacity
The first step to will power improvement is stress management. Stress damages the body and mind in more than one ways. High stress means that the body is using up the essential energy in acting instinctively. In such cases, the prefrontal cortex of the brain loses the necessary energy. Each time you find yourself to be stressed, take a few deep breaths and relax, Instead of overburdening yourself or overwhelming your emotions, aim to keep yourself calm and composed. This will help to improve your willpower.
Self-Affirmation Is The Key To Self Control
To succeed in life or to achieve a specific target, unleash the power of self-affirmation. This is one of the easiest ways of increasing your self control. Self affirmation allows individuals to take control of challenging situations while also sticking to their aims and targets. Every time you tell yourself "I can't" you are involuntarily creating a feedback loop which reminds you of your own limitations. It means that you are forcing yourself into something that you are unwilling to complete. Self assurance will not only boost your confidence but will also send positive signals to your brain, thus improving your productivity.

Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is one of the most underrated cures to a number of issues. Not only does it help calm you down, give good skin, improve metabolism, but it also helps the brain to manage energy in the most effective manner. The prefrontal cortex recognizes sleep deprivation as chronic stress which eventually lowers the efficiency of this part. Low sleep patterns cause the prefrontal cortex to lose control over certain parts of the brain. This is the brain's response to stress and it is indeed one of the worst ways to lower ones will power.
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Nutrition Tips for Better Memory

Do the foods we eat affect our mind and memory? Absolutely certain foods can have a significant impact on health and behavior and affect your mood and concentration skills.
Junk food, for example, including fatty, sugary snacks, triggers pleasure centers in the brain. That's why when bowls of candy or chips are in front of you, it can be hard to stay away.
Think of your brain this way- it only weighs about three pounds - that's a small portion of an adult's body weight, but it consumes about 20 percent of your daily calories. That's a good motivator for having a brain-healthy diet.

Follow these tips to stay on course and boost your brain's fitness:

Memory Boosting Food
In order to memorize and retain new information our brain cells have to make new connections. One way they do this is when we get excited about something or have deep feelings and emotions.
Acetylcholine is the "messenger" that keeps our brain cells on high alert for new information. You'll find acetylcholine in eggs, liver and soybeans. Vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower also seem to help improve memory.
On memory tests, researchers have found that people who eat these foods do better than people who do not have these foods on a regular basis.

Concentrate on These Foods
Good concentration skills depend on a steady flow of messages between brain cells. The first step in improving concentration and focus is by eating healthy food at regular intervals throughout the day.
The brain also needs myelin, a fatty substance that insulates the nerve fibers so signals can be more easily sent from one brain cell to another. These nerve fibers are like electrical wires in a well-oiled machine.
You can do your part by eating healthier and keeping the "machinery" of your brain in top shape.
A diet that includes myelin includes oily fish, walnuts, pumpkin and flax seeds. So don't skip meals, pack snacks with seeds and nuts and you're on your way to improving your concentration. 

Lift Your Spirits
Our moods, good, bad and everything in between, involve an exchange of electrical "messages" carried by neurotransmitters between the brain cells. One of those transmitters carrying messages to the brain is dopamine. Foods that are sugary and fatty have dopamine which is why we may feel good when we eat these foods. But soon, there is a sharp drop off of feeling good.
A healthier way to feed your brain is with precursor, the molecules that form dopamine. One of those precursors called phenylalanine can be found in food like soybeans, edamame, beets, almonds, eggs, meat and grains.
Chocolate can help boost your spirits because it drives up dopamine, but use it as a pleasurable snack not as a large part of your diet.

More Healthy Eating Tips
Keep an eye on your blood pressure. Even in healthy older adults, high blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the brain and reduce the brain's oxygen supply. This can result in nerve cells that are damaged, a factor that can impact decision-making and memory.
Instead of eating salty foods, cut back on sodium and eat plenty of fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains.
A healthy diet will help you maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight can have a negative impact on your brain's health regardless of whether you have diabetes or high blood pressure. Lower your intake of sugars and white flour and eat plenty of fiber-rich foods, and use olive and canola oils.

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